Our courses provide opportunities to discover and explore engineering and technology in greater depth and build your expertise.
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers a variety of courses ranging from introductory 100-level classes to 800-level doctoral coursework in electrical and computer engineering (ECE), telecommunications (TCOM), and digital forensics (CFRS). Descriptions and prerequisites as well as further information about each one can be found in the catalog.
We encourage you to check out our syllabi to get more details about the courses we offer each semester.
Spring 2025 Syllabi
ECE/ENGR Courses
- ECE-101-001: Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE-201-001: Introduction to Signals and Systems
- ECE-231-001: Digital System Design
- ECE-232-201: Digital System Design Lab
- ECE-240-001: C Programming for Engineers
- ECE-285-001: Electric Circuit Analysis I
- ECE-286-001: Electric Circuit Analysis II
- ECE-301-001: Digital Electronics
- ECE-301-002: Digital Electronics
- ECE-305-001: Electromagnetic Theory
- ECE-321-001: Continuous-Time Signals and Systems
- ECE-330-001: Circuit Theory
- ECE-333-001: Linear Electronics I
- ECE-333-002: Linear Electronics I
- ECE-334-201: Linear Electronics Lab I
- ECE-340-001: Data Structures and Embedded Systems Programming in C/C++
- ECE-350-001: Embedded Systems and Hardware Interfaces
- ECE-350-002: Embedded Systems and Hardware Interfaces
- ECE-391-001: Professional Development for Engineers
- ECE-391-DL1: Professional Development for Engineers
- ECE-414-DL1: Grid Digitization and Automation
- ECE-415-DL1: Power System Analysis
- ECE-417-DL1: Smart Grid and Cyber Security
- ECE-420-201: Smart Grid Lab
- ECE-421-001: Classical Systems and Control Theory
- ECE-431-001: Digital Circuit Design
- ECE-433-001: Linear Electronics II
- ECE-434-201: Linear Electronics II Lab
- ECE-445-001: Computer Organization
- ECE-447-002: Microcontrollers
- ECE-448-001: FPGA Design with VHDL
- ECE-450-001: Mobile Robots
- ECE-455-001/DL1: GPU Architecture and Programming
- ECE-460-001: Communication and Information Theory
- ECE-465-001: Computer Networking Protocols
- ECE-480-001: Small Spacecraft Engineering
- ECE-488-001: Nanoelectronics Fundamentals
- ECE-492-001: Senior Advanced Design Project I
- ECE-493-001: RS: Senior Advanced Design Project II
- ECE-499-001: Quantum Computing System Design
- ECE-499-002: Sensor Engineering
- ECE-508-DL1: Internet of Things
- ECE-512-001: Computer Architecture Security
- ECE-514-DL1: Grid Digitization and Automation
- ECE-517-DL1/DL2: Cyber Infrastructure of the Smart Grid
- ECE-521-001: Linear Systems and Control
- ECE-528-001/DL1: Introduction to Random Processes in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE-530-001: Sensor Engineering
- ECE-532-001: Secure Wireless Communications and Networks
- ECE-539-001: Neural Engineering
- ECE-542-001/DL1: Computer Network Architectures and Protocols
- ECE-552-DL1/DL2: Big Data Technologies
- ECE-555-001/DL1: GPU Architecture and Programming
- ECE-556-001: Neuromorphic Computing
- ECE-556-DL1: Neuromorphic Computing
- ECE-570-001: Quantum Computing System Design
- ECE-575-001/002: AI Design and Deployment Risks
- ECE-576-001: AI: Ethics, Policy, and Society
- ECE-580-001/DL1: Small Spacecraft Engineering
- ECE-586-001: Digital Integrated Circuits
- ECE-588-001: Nanoelectronics Fundamentals
- ECE 605-001: Microgrid Design and Control
- ECE-611-001: Advanced Computer Architecture
- ECE-612-001/DL1: Real-Time Embedded Systems
- ECE-616-DL2: Advanced Mobile Systems and Applications
- ECE-619-001: Nonlinear Systems and Control
- ECE-621-001: Systems Identification
- ECE-630-001: Principles of Digital Communications
- ECE-634-001: Detection and Estimation Theory
- ECE-639-DL1: Satellite Communications
- ECE-653-001: Machine Learning Security and Privacy
- ECE-657-001: Probabilistic Machine Learning
- ECE-681-DL1: VLSI Design for ASICs
- ECE-684-001: MOS Device Electronics
- ECE-699-002/DL1: Side-Channel Security
- ENGR-107-001: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR-107-002: Introduction to Engineering
TCOM Courses
- TCOM-514-001: Basic Switching
- TCOM-551-001: Digital Communication Systems
- TCOM-570-001: Network Automation
- TCOM-607-DL1: Satellite Communications
- TCOM-616-DL1: Cloud Network Technologies
- TCOM-617-DL1: Enterprise Network Architecture
- TCOM-660-001: Network Forensics
- TCOM-661-001: Digital Media Forensics
- TCOM-664-DL1: Incident Response Forensics
- TCOM-750-001: Coordinating Seminar
DFOR Courses
- DFOR-500-DL1: Introduction to Forensic Technology and Analysis
- DFOR-510-001: Digital Forensics Analysis
- DFOR-660-001: Network Forensics
- DFOR-661-001: Digital Media Forensics
- DFOR-664-DL1: Incident Response Forensics
- DFOR-671-001: Digital Forensics Ethics & Law
- DFOR-672-DL1: Mobile Device Forensics
- DFOR-710-001: Memory Forensics
- DFOR-740-DL1: Advanced Offensive & Defensive Strategies
- DFOR-761-001: Malware Reverse Engineering
- DFOR-771-001: Digital Forensic Profiling
- DFOR-772-001: Forensic Artifact Extraction
- DFOR-790-001: Advanced Digital Forensics
Fall 2024 Syllabi
ECE/ENGR Courses
- ECE-101-001: Introduction to ECE
- ECE-201-001: Introduction to Signals and Systems
- ECE-231-001: Digital System Design
- ECE-232-201: Digital System Design Lab
- ECE-232-202: Digital System Design Lab
- ECE-232-204: Digital System Design Lab
- ECE-240-001: C Programming for Engineers
- ECE-285-001: Electric Circuit Analysis I
- ECE-286-001: Electric Circuit Analysis II
- ECE-301-001: Digital Electronics
- ECE-301-002: Digital Electronics
- ECE-305-001: Electromagnetic Theory
- ECE-321-001: Continuous-Time Signals and Systems
- ECE-330-001: Circuit Theory
- ECE-330-002: Circuit Theory
- ECE-333-001: Linear Electronics I
- ECE-334-202: Linear Electronics Lab
- ECE-334-203: Linear Electronics Lab
- ECE-340-001: Data Structures and Embedded Systems Programming in C/C++
- ECE-350-001: Embedded Systems and Hardware Interfaces
- ECE-370-001: Robot Design
- ECE-409-001: Data Center Engineering
- ECE-412-201: Renewable Energy Lab
- ECE-415-002: Power System Analysis
- ECE-415-DL1: Power System Analysis
- ECE-418-001/DL1: Power System Protection and Relaying
- ECE-419-DL1: Power Electronics for Modern Power Systems
- ECE-421-001: Classical Systems and Control Theory
- ECE-429-201: Modern Control Systems Lab
- ECE-430-001: Principles of Semiconductor Devices
- ECE-433-001: Linear Electronics II
- ECE-436-2D2: Printed Circuit Board Design Lab
- ECE-445-001: Computer Organization
- ECE-446-001: Device Driver Development
- ECE-447-001: Microcontrollers
- ECE-448-001: FPGA Design with VHDL
- ECE-460-001: Communication and Information Theory
- ECE-465-002: Computer Networking Protocols
- ECE-476-001: Cryptography Fundamentals
- ECE-476-002: Cryptography Fundamentals
- ECE-491-001: Engineering Seminar
- ECE-491-DL1: Engineering Seminar
- ECE-492-001: Senior Advanced Design Project I
- ECE-493-001: RS: Senior Advanced Design Project II
- ECE-499-001: Introduction to Wireless Communications and Networks
- ECE-505-001: Hardware Security
- ECE-508-DL1: Internet of Things
- ECE-511-001: Computer Architecture
- ECE-516-DL1: Mobile Systems and Applications
- ECE-518-001: Power System Protection and Control
- ECE-518-DL1: Power System Protection and Control
- ECE-519-DL1-Power Electronics for Modern Power Systems
- ECE-521-001: Linear Systems and Control
- ECE-527-001/DL1: Learning From Data
- ECE-528-001: Introduction to Random Processes in ECE
- ECE-531-001: Introduction to Wireless Communications and Networks
- ECE-535-001/DL1: Digital Signal Processing
- ECE-542-001/DL1: Computer Network Architectures and Protocols
- ECE-545-001/DL1: Digital System Design with VHDL
- ECE-550-001/DL1: System Engineering Design
- ECE-552-DL1/DL2: Big Data Technologies
- ECE-584-001: Semiconductor Device Fundamentals
- ECE-587-001: Design of Analog Integrated Circuits
- ECE-590-001: Human-Robot Interaction
- ECE-606-001: Advanced Data Analytics in Smart Grid
- ECE-618-001: Hardware Accelerators for Machine Learning
- ECE-625-001: Autonomous Control for Robotic Systems
- ECE-632-001: Digital Communications
- ECE-646-001: Applied Cryptography
- ECE-651-001: advanced Learning From Data
- ECE-655-001/DL1: Advanced GPU Programming and Deep Learning
- ECE-660-001/DL1: Space Systems Engineering
- ECE-674-001/DL1: Systems Architecture Design
- ECE-699-003: Robot Learning
- ENGR-107-001: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR-107-002: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR-107-003: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR-107-004: Introduction to Engineering
TCOM Courses
- TCOM 500-002/DL2: Modern Telecommunication
- TCOM-515-002: Internet Protocol Routing
- TCOM-535-001: TCP/IP Suite Internet Protocol
- TCOM-610-001: Border Gateway Protocol Routing
- TCOM-611-DL1: Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)
- TCOM-617-DL1: Enterprise Network Architecture
- TCOM-663-001: Operations of Intrusion Detection for Forensics
- TCOM-750-001: Coordinating Seminar
DFOR Courses
- DFOR-500-DL1: Intro. to Forensic Technology and Analysis
- DFOR-510-DL1: Digital Forensics Analysis
- DFOR-637-001: Cloud Forensics
- DFOR-660-001: Network Forensics
- DFOR-661-001: Digital Media Forensics
- DFOR-663-DL1: Operations of Intrusion Detection for Forensics
- DFOR-670-001: Fraud Analytics
- DFOR-672-DL1: Mobile Device Forensics
- DFOR-761-001: Malware Reverse Engineering
- DFOR-767-001:Penetration Testing Forensics
- DFOR-780-001: Darknet Technologies
- DFOR-790-001: Advanced Digital Forensics
Spring 2024 Syllabi
ECE/ENGR Courses
- ECE-101-001: Intro. to Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE-201-001: Introduction to Signals and Systems
- ECE-231-001: Digital System Design
- ECE-240-001: C Programming for Engineers
- ECE-285-001: Electric Circuit Analysis I
- ECE-286-001: Electric Circuit Analysis II
- ECE-301-001: Digital Electronics
- ECE-301-002: Digital Electronics
- ECE-305-001: Electromagnetic Theory
- ECE-321-001: Continuous-Time Signals and Systems
- ECE-330-001: Circuit Theory
- ECE-333-001: Linear Electronics I
- ECE-334-201: Linear Electronics Lab
- ECE-340-002: Data Structures & Embedded System Programming
- ECE-350-001: Embedded Systems and Hardware Interfaces
- ECE-414-001: Grid Digitaization & Automation
- ECE-415-DL1: Power System Analysis
- ECE-417-DL1: Smart Grid and Cyber Security
- ECE-420-201: Smart Grid Lab
- ECE-421-001: Classical Systems and Control Theory
- ECE-427-001: Introduction to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Engineering
- ECE-431-001: Digital Circuit Design
- ECE-433-001: Linear Electronics II
- ECE-434-201: Linear Electronic II Lab
- ECE-445-001: Computer Organization
- ECE-447-001: Microcontrollers
- ECE-448-001: FPGA Design with VHDL
- ECE-450-002: Mobile Robots
- ECE-455-002/DL1: GPU Architecture and Programming
- ECE-460-001: Communication and Information Theory
- ECE-461-201: Communication Engineering Lab
- ECE-465-001: Computer Networking Protocols
- ECE-476-001: Cryptography Fundamentals
- ECE-480-001: Small Spacecraft Engineering
- ECE-491-001: Engineering Seminar
- ECE-491-DL1: Engineering Seminar
- ECE-492-001: Senior Advanced Design Project I
- ECE-493-001: RS: Senior Advanced Design Project I
- ECE-499-001: Nanoelectronics Fundamentals
- ECE-508-DL1: Internet of Things
- ECE-514-001: Grid Digitization and Automation
- ECE-517-DL1: Cyber Infrastructure of the Smart Grid
- ECE-528-001: Introduction to Random Processes in ECE
- ECE-532-001: Secure Wireless Communications and Networks
- ECE-539-DL1: Neural Engineering
- ECE-542-001: Computer Network Architectures and Protocols
- ECE-552-DL1/DL2: Big Data Technologies
- ECE-554-001/DL1: Machine Learning for Embedded Systems
- ECE-555-002/DL1: GPU Architecture & Programming
- ECE-556-001: Neuromorphic Computing
- ECE-556-DL1: Neuromorphic Computing
- ECE-580-001/DL1: Small Spacecraft Engineering
- ECE-586-001: Digital Integrated Circuits
- ECE-590-001: Nanoelectronics Fundamentals
- ECE-590-002: AI Design and Deployment Risks
- ECE-590-003: AI Design and Deployment Risks
- ECE-590-004: AI: Ethics, Policy, and Society
- ECE-606-DL2: Advanced Data Analytics in Smart Grid
- ECE-612-001/DL1: Real-Time Embedded Systems
- ECE-622-001: Kalman Filtering with Applications
- ECE-623-001: Distributed Control and Optimization
- ECE-630-001: Principles of Digital Communications
- ECE-639-001/DL1: Satellite Communications
- ECE-681-001: VLSI Design for ASICs
- ECE-699-001/DL1: Post-Quantum Cryptography
- ECE-699-002: Artificial Intelligence Methods for Cybersecurity
- ENGR-107-001: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR-107-002: Introduction to Engineering
TCOM Courses
- TCOM-514-001: Basic Switching
- TCOM-570-001: Network Automation
- TCOM-607-002: Satellite Communications
- TCOM-616-DL1: Cloud Network Technologies
- TCOM-631-001: Voice Over IP
- TCOM-660-001: Network Forensics
- TCOM-661-001: Digital Media Forensics
- TCOM-664-DL1: Incident Response Forensics
- TCOM-750-001: Coordinating Seminar
DFOR Courses
- DFOR-500-DL1: Intro. to Forensic Technology and Analysis
- DFOR-510-001: Digital Forensics Analysis
- DFOR-660-001: Network Forensics
- DFOR-661-001: Digital Media Forensics
- DFOR-664-DL1: Incident Response Forensics
- DFOR-671-001: Digital Forensics Ethics and Law
- DFOR-672-DL1: Mobile Device Forensics
- DFOR-710-001: Memory Forensics
- DFOR-740-DL1: Advanced Offensive and Defensive Strategies
- DFOR-761-001: Malware Reverse Engineering
- DFOR-771-001: Digital Forensics Profiling
- DFOR-772-001: Forensic Artifact Extraction
- DFOR-780-001: Darknet Technologies
- DFOR-790-001: Advanced Digital Forensics
Fall 2023 Syllabi
ECE/ENGR Courses
- ECE-101-001: Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE-201-001: Introduction to Signals and Systems
- ECE-231-001: Digital System Design
- ECE-240-001: C Programming for Engineers
- ECE-285-001: Electric Circuit Analysis I
- ECE-286-001: Electric Circuit Analysis II
- ECE-301-001: Digital Electronics
- ECE-301-002: Digital Electronics
- ECE-305-001: Electromagnetic Theory
- ECE-321-001: Continuous-Time Signals and Systems
- ECE-330-001: Circuit Theory
- ECE-330-002: Circuit Theory
- ECE-333-001: Linear Electronics I
- ECE-334-201: Linear Electronics Lab
- ECE-334-202: Linear Electronics Lab
- ECE-334-203: Linear Electronics Lab
- ECE-340-001: Data Structures and Embedded Systems Programing in C/C++
- ECE-350-001: Embedded Systems and Hardware Interfaces
- ECE-370-001: Robot Design
- ECE-415-002: Power System Analysis
- ECE-418-DL1: Power System Protection and Control
- ECE-419-001/DL1: Power Electronics for Modern Power Systems
- ECE-420-201: Smart Grid Lab
- ECE-421-001: Classical Systems and Control Theory
- ECE-429-201: Modern Control Systems Lab
- ECE-430-001: Principles of Semiconductor Devices
- ECE-433-001: Linear Electronics II
- ECE-436-2D2: Printed Circuit Board Design Lab
- ECE-445-001: Computer Organization
- ECE-446-001: Device Driver Development
- ECE-447-001: Microcontrollers
- ECE-448-001: FPGA Design with VHDL
- ECE-460-001: Communication and Information Theory
- ECE-465-002: Computer Networking Protocols
- ECE-467-201: Computer Networking Laboratory
- ECE-476-002: Cryptography Fundamentals
- ECE-476-003: Cryptography Fundamentals
- ECE-491-001/DL1: Engineering Seminar
- ECE-492/493: Senior Advanced Design Project I/II
- ECE-499-002: Data Center Engineering
- ECE-505-DL1: Hardware Security
- ECE-511-001: Computer Architecture
- ECE-516-001/DL1: Mobile Systems and Applications
- ECE-518-DL1: Power System Protection and Control
- ECE-519-001/DL1: Power Electronics for Modern Power Systems
- ECE-521-001: Linear Systems and Control
- ECE-527-001: Learning from Data
- ECE-528-001: Introduction to Random Processes in ECE
- ECE-535-001: Digital Signal Processing
- ECE-542-001: Computer Network Architectures and Protocols
- ECE-545-001: Digital System Design with VHDL
- ECE-550-001/DL1: System Engineering Design
- ECE-552-DL1/DL2: Big Data Technologies
- ECE-552-DL3/DL4: Big Data Technologies
- ECE-584-001: Semiconductor Device Fundamentals
- ECE-587-001: Design of Analog Intergrated Circuits
- ECE-590-001/002: Human-Robot Interaction
- ECE-620-001: Optimal Control Theory
- ECE-634-001: Detection and Estimation Theory
- ECE-646-001: Applied Cryptography
- ECE-653-001: Machine Learning Security and Privacy
- ECE-653_DL1: Machine Learning Security and Privacy
- ECE-655-002/DL2: Advanced GPU Programming and Deep Learning
- ECE-660-001/DL1: Space Systems Engineering
- ECE-699-001: Autonomous Control for Robotic Systems
- ENGR-107-001: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR-107-002: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR-107-003: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR-107-004: Introduction to Engineering
TCOM Courses
- TCOM 500-002/DL2: Modern Telecommunication
- TCOM-515-002: Internet Protocol Routing
- TCOM-535-001: TCP/IP Suite Internet Protocol
- TCOM-610-001: Border Gateway Protocol Routing
- TCOM-617-DL1: Enterprise Network Architecture
- TCOM-660-001: Network Forensics
- TCOM-661-001: Digital Media Forensics
- TCOM-663-001: Operations of Intrusion Detection for Forensics
- TCOM-750-001: Coordinating Seminar
DFOR Courses
- DFOR-500-DL1: Introduction to Forensic Technology and Analysis
- DFOR-510-DL1: Digital Forensics Analysis
- DFOR-660-001: Network Forensics
- DFOR-661-001: Digital Media Forensics
- DFOR-663-DL1: Operations of Intrusion Detection for Forensics
- DFOR-670-001: Fraud Analytics
- DFOR-672-DL1: Mobile Device Forensics
- DFOR-761-001: Malware Reverse Engineering
- DFOR-767-001: Penetration Testing Forensics
- DFOR-780-001: Darknet Technologies
- DFOR-790-001: Advanced Digital Forensics
The schedule of classes provides information about the date and time as well as other scheduling details. Students should consult an advisor before the start of each semester to plan their courses. The earliest time that students may register is based on their assigned time ticket.
In addition to our matriculated students, we welcome high-school matriculants, undergraduate non-degree as well as graduate non-degree students to take our courses provided they fulfill all prerequisites. Please visit admissions to get more information on how to register.
George Mason is a cooperating member of the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area. Learn more about how to take electrical and computer classes through the consortium.
Contact our department or call 703-993-1569 to request further information.